Thule AeroBlade Load Bars are a sleek, aluminum, aerodynamic bar system compatible with Thule Rapid foot pack systems. The Thule Aeroblade is built using BoxBeam technology which creates one of the strongest load bars on the market and WindDiffuser technology which greatly reduces wind noise.
- WindDiffuser is a textured surface on the t-slot cover that disturbs the airflow better than a smooth surface, greatly reducing wing noise.
- The new SmartSlide is a molded measurement system providing a quick, no-hassle, tape measure-free foot installation. SmartSlide also covers the under bar slot to improve aerodynamics and noise diffusion.
- The new SwingBlade end cap pivots open to allow full access to the t-slot for easy accessory installs.
- Aeroblade bars are available in 43, 47, 53 and 60 lengths. To determine which bar length is right for your vehicle please give us a call.
- Thule Aeroblades are also available in black and come in the following sizes: 43 inch, 47 inch, 53 inch, and 60 inch.
- Thule Aeroblade bars are compatible with the following Thule towers: Thule 450R, Thule 460R, and Thule 480R.
- Note: The following products are not compatible with the AeroBlade: 503 Load Stops, 516 Prologue, 579XT Canoe Carrier, 558P Tandem Carrier, 847 Outrigger II, 870XT-873XT Fairings, 884 Roll Model